Brompton Technology Launches The Tessera S and T-Series At ISE

S-Series processing is value-driven and ideally suited for large LED screens.

Some of the more advanced creative features are removed while maintaining Tessera’s class-leading quality and control options.

 T-Series processors are perfect for small creative setups, offering the same extensive Tessera feature set as the original M-Series, but with a reduced capacity.

Complementing the flagship M2 processor the new DVI input S4 and T1 will add two new entry points to Brompton processing. 

All the processors in the Tessera range benefit from the proprietary Tessera protocol giving perfect frame synch, excellent image quality and superior low brightness performance.

Both new products will be fully compatible with all existing Brompton panel controller cards and will have the same user-friendly Tessera software interface.
To learn more about Brompton processing and how it can benefit your LED screen systems there will be hands on demos at its ISE booth.